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Human medicines European public assessment report (EPAR): NovoThirteen, catridecacog, Blood Coagulation Disorders, In...

Human medicines European public assessment report (EPAR): NovoThirteen, catridecacog, Blood Coagulation Disorders, Inherited, Date of authorisation: 03/09/2012, Revision: 7, Status: Authorised
Human medicines European public assessment report (EPAR): NovoThirteen, catridecacog, Blood Coagulation Disorders, Inherited, Date of authorisation: 03/09/2012, Revision: 7, Status: Authorised

Veterinary medicines European public assessment report (EPAR): Respiporc FLUpan H1N1, Porcine influenza vaccine (inactivated), Date of authorisation: 17/05/2017, Revision: 6, Status: Authorised
Veterinary medicines European public assessment report (EPAR): Respiporc FLUpan H1N1, Porcine influenza vaccine (inactivated), Date of authorisation: 17/05/2017, Revision: 6, Status: Authorised

ZonMw: palliatieve hulpmiddelen op één plek
Mensen die niet meer lang te leven hebben, krijgen palliatieve zorg. Om mensen in hun laatste fase optimaal te ondersteunen zijn hulpmiddelen nodig. Alle mogelijke palliatieve hulpmiddelen staan nu op één plek: Palliaweb. Hierop staat een grote hoeveelheid tools, vragenlijsten, brochures, gespreksvoorbereidingen en tal van andere info die palliatieve zorgprofesssionals in de praktijk nodig...

Human medicines European public assessment report (EPAR): Somac Control, pantoprazole, Gastroesophageal Reflux, Date of authorisation: 12/06/2009, Revision: 14, Status: Authorised
Human medicines European public assessment report (EPAR): Somac Control, pantoprazole, Gastroesophageal Reflux, Date of authorisation: 12/06/2009, Revision: 14, Status: Authorised

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